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Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Best Website Monetization Tactics
"Discover 750 Quick & Easy, Totally Unique Tactics To Building Your Website Traffic... Starting Today!"
All the Webmasters will need the following tricks to get huge traffic for profit to their websites.
01. Article marketing
02. Forum marketing
03. Traffic exchanges
04. Free classifieds
05. Press releases
06. Resource box
07. Email
08. Google AdWords
09. Title tag
10. Submission to directories
11. HubPage and Squidoo
12. Link Exchange partnership
13. Joint ventures
14. Affiliate programming
15. Subscriber list
16. Tell-a-friend
17. Paid reviews
18. Re-visits
19. Error page
20. Promotion
21. Offers
22. Yahoo! answers
23. Customer support
24. Commenting
25. Screensaver
26. Keywords
27. eBay
28. Blog entries
29. Advertisement
30. Pay-Per-Lead*
01. Quantity of traffic
02. Quality of traffic
03. Non-targeted traffic
04. Targeted traffic
05. RSS
06. Email subscription
08. Opt in box
09. Free traffic
10. Patience is virtue
11. Videos
12. The right message
13. Solve
14. Target audience
15. Competitors
16. Innovative ads
17. Be regular
18. Variety
19. Digg styles are in
20. Niche marketing
21. Sign ups
22. Web Theme
23. Involve the subscribers and visitors
24. Postcards and business cards
25. Exchanges with other marketers can also help
26. You can give away free e-books to visitors
27. Signature
28. Communities
29. Testing
30. Web space
01. Keyword research
02. Uncluttered website
03. Neat web pages
04. Meta tags
05. Avoid repetition of keywords
06. Relevancy
07. Home page
08. Intranet
09. Avoid redirect pages
10. Analysis program
11. Take it easy
12. Control of error
13. Maintain a record
14. Improve your webpage rank
15. Upgradation
16. Complete web design
17. Be a skilled webmaster
18. Know what you want
19. Organic listings
20. Common words
21. Javascripts
22. CGI scripts
23. No broken links
24. Avoid frames
25. Dedicated server
26. Auto-surf traffic
27. Buying traffic or impressions
28. Tell-a- friend script
29. The importance of back links
30. Alexa banners
Affiliate Program Tactics
01. Select your target audience first
02. How to approach your target audience
03. Know what is hot and happening
04. Have a positive and realistic mindset
05. Have the right amount of information
06. Use the power of Google Adwords
07. Do your own writing
08. Have a matching affiliate program
09. Promote the in things
10. Get paid - without sales
11. Build a List
12. Targeted Traffic Driving
13. Position links well
14. Clutter free diversification
15. Don't try to fool your readers
16. Look for alternate revenue streams too
17. Use tools effectively
18. Don't Overdo It
19. Follow the results
20. Have your own website
21. Take part in forums and discussion boards
22. Start your own ezine or newsletter
23. Share a trustworthy relation with your readers
24. Use e-mails
25. Have a strong sales page
26. Don't straightaway send prospects to the merchant's page
27. Make people fill out your form
28. Speed of replying
29. Treat affiliates well
30. Exchange plugs with affiliate managers
Controversial Petition Traffic Tactics
01. Petition marketing is a viral marketing petition
02. ePetition
03. The advantage
04. E-petition is almost similar to a feed back form
05. The party
06. Scope for making a lot of money
07. Keyword rich petition content
08. Opt-in subscribers
13. Petition portals
14. Petition script
15. Petition forum
16. Petition Hosting Providers
17. Affiliate program
18. Mailing list managers
19. Sponsored ads
20. Featured petitions
21. Premium services
22. Donations
23. Legal notice
24. Promise privacy
25. Tell a friend tab
26. Petition topics
27. Well written petitions
28. The extra effect
29. Mention your details
30. Positive petitions
Mailing List Advertising Tactics
01. The articles that you send must be highly informative
02. Make your emails simple and user friendly
03. Keep your customers updated
04. Get to the point and quick
05. Experiment, reach out and try different things
06. Work on your current customers to find new business opportunities
07. Make the best use of your sales data base
08. Your employees could be the source to get new clients
09. Lists contained in your server are also a great help
10. Request from your websites
11. E-news letter subscription
12. Try joining various groups and networks
13. Try and figure out your target sale group
14. Online discussion group
15. Get the attention of the media
16. Networking
17. Be careful abut the purchase of mailing list
18. Look at the economic benefits
19. Have the right size of squeeze page
20. Have no outgoing links
21. Use bullets
22. Keep your marketing list up to date
23. Have valid permission
24. Profile your marketing lists
25. Make sure that your mails are not taken as spam
26. Have crisp content
27. Send a reasonable sized email
28. Return receipts
29. Use spell check
30. Test your mails
Paid Web Space Advertising Tactics
01. Revenue models
02. CPM ad
03. Unique impression
04. CPC
05. Risk factor
06. Ad performance
07. CPA
08. Cost per lead
09. Cost per sale
10. Best ad
11. Regular checking of ads
12. Check the ads YOURSELF
13. Ad content
14. Effective advertising
15. Advertising deals
16. Communicative ads
17. Role of Google
18. Expanded matching
19. Increased click
20. Blogging
21. Text link advertising
22. Paid syndication
23. Feed based advertising
24. Banner advertisements
25. PPC
26. News letter advertising
27. Pick up the right sites
28. Attract with banners
29. Correct placement
30. Participate Contest
Pay-Per-Click Tactics
01. Have keywords on the display URL
02. Keep the keywords separated
03. Keep an eye on your position
04. Try out different advertising styles
05. Have the key words on the landing page
06. Avoid landing the potential customers on the home page
07. Have a plan
08. Use a software that can manage your bids
09. Bid sensibly
10. Choose keywords that are less bid for
11. Bid on targeted keywords rather than general ones
12. Bid on the lesser known PPC
13. Create separate ads
14. Get listed in specialty pay per click
15. Write crisp ads
16. Being ranked number is not all that important
17. Try to have an exact match
18. Phrase match
19. Broad match
20. Negative match
21. Contextual targeting
22. Geo-targeting
23. Day parting
24. Keyword research tool
25. Multiple ads
26. Avoid joining the crowd
27. Check the cost and revenue ratio
28. Try other PPC search engines
29. Try to get ranked in the top 3 positions
30. Make your landing page buyer friendly
Peer-to-Peer Network Tactics
01. Business growth
02. Corporate network
03. P2P format
04. P2P is legal
05. Attitude of the users
06. Domain controller
07. Logging in
08. Know what you are sharing
09. Protect your personal information
10. Safe download
11. The right source
12. Latest anti-virus software
13. Security tools
14. No unlawful activities
15. Spywares
16. File sharing programs
17. Be alert
18. Avoid giving personal information
19. Protect your PC
20. Identifying of P2P users
21. Port based analysis
22. Port matching
23. Protocol analysis
24. P2P application solutions
25. Signature based authentication
26. Application level
27. Naming the file
28. Traffic information
29. Recommended P2P networks
30. Gnutella
Tactics on Using Auction Sites and Tell-a-Friends to Drive Traffic
01. The huge size of the market
02. eBay can generate customers and sellers
03. Geographic distance
04. Time limits do not apply
05. Buyers are ecstatic
06. eBay auction is not capital intensive
07. Benefits of online auction
08. Auction ID
09. About me
10. Follow the rules
11. Make allies
12. Advertisements
13. Traffic
14. Keywords optimization
15. Cross promotion
16. Attractive catch phrases
17. Interactive forums
19. Bidd.buds
20. Articles
21. Reports
22. Tell a Friend Script
23. Attachment forwarding
24. The strategy of Tell a friend script
25. Recurring forwards
26. Spreading the word
27. No major skills required
28. Just a click
29. It's affordable!
30. Steady results
01. Avail the advantages of Article marketing campaigns
02. Overcoming setbacks
03. Focus on the writing style
04. Quality
05. Frequency
06. Wide genre
07. Hiring ghostwriters
08. Write for popular websites
09. Specialized directories
10. How to use leading search engines
11. Success through search engines
12. How to improve
13. Keyword usage
14. Regular submission
15. Display your picture along side your article
16. How to register in such sites
17. Use multiple identities effectively
18. Use blogs for auto-syndication of articles
19. RSS feeds
20. Exclusive articles
21. Terms for exclusivity
22. Podcasting
23. Power of Podcasting
24. Using Squidoo
25. Quality matters
26. Affiliates
27. Networking
28. Sharing Information
29. Comment
30. Act
Blog for Traffic Tactics
01. Use the right software
02. Blog hosting
03. Title tag
04. Article marketing
05. Tagging
06. Technorati
07. Boosting blog's visibility
08. WTF at Technorati
09. Rate and ranks
10. Blog commenting
11. Choose your blog topics
12. Intelligent linking
13. Invite contributors
14. Interaction
15. Provide answers!
16. Tracking visitors
17. Charisma
18. Proper archives
19. Blog URL
20. Sharing information
21. Don't go overboard
22. Link bait
23. Writing style
24. Branding tool
25. Blog submission
26. Yahoo feed
27. Google Adwords
28. Blog name
29. Frequency of blog posts
30. Signatures
Search Engine Traffic Tactics
01. Domain age
02. Regular upgrade
03. Write for your visitors
04. Press releases
05. Flash
06. Meta tags
07. Heading tag
08. Site map
09. Keywords
10. External links
11. Business address
12. Article distribution
13. Images
14. Multiple domains
15. Link exchange
16. Link titles
17. Anchoring text
18. Keyword research
19. New PPC account
20. Keyword stuffing
21. Invisible content
22. Heading tags
23. Link farms
24. Scope for improvement
25. Be patient
26. Set goals
27. Make the best site
28. SEO friendly URL
29. Consider blogging
30. Use tools
Social Media Site Optimization Traffic Tactics
01. SMO
02. Nickname
03. Build your name
04. Be organized
05. Cross bookmarking
06. Social relationship
07. Research
08. Trust and relationship
09. Link bait
10. Posting links
11. Natural links
12. Interesting content
13. Know your customers
14. Arouse interest
15. Don't be panicky
16. Have patience
17. Proper reply
18. Crisp responses
19. Yahoo answers
20. Videos
21. Using pictures
22. StumbleUpon
23. Digg
25. Listible
26. Technorati
27. Get into groups
28. Traveling content
29. Inbound links
30. Upload your videos
Tactics to Maintain Web Traffic Flow
01. Link exchange
02. Make use of proper keywords and also proper key phrases
03. Submit articles that are interesting to read
04. Offer a news letter on your website
05. Advertise well
06. Share your opinion by joining forums and creating online communities
07. Exchange links
08. Traffic exchange
09. Make a newsletter
10. Understand the working of search engines
11. Pay per click program
12. Inbound links
13. Email marketing
14. Blogs and RSS feed
15. Try the social media and book marking web sites
16. You can try other offline sources
17. Organize your website well
18. Stick to your central theme
19. Other benefits of sticking to a central theme
20. Provide user friendly information
21. Get a keyword research done
22. Create a simple and elegant design
23. On-site optimization
24. Create a title
25. Post new content
26. Remain active on the Internet
27. Link
28. Ezine advertising
29. Distributing free report
30. Submit your website to social book marking sites
Offline Traffic Tactics
01. Guest star on a radio talk show
02. Get yourself on television
03. Be a guest speaker
04. Make yourself into an expert
05. Advertise in a local magazine
06. Get in a newsletter
07. Put up a billboard
08. Place newspaper ads
09. Hand out flyers
10. Use direct mailings
11. Start up a telemarketing campaign
12. Print up business cards
13. Sponsor a contest
14. Sponsor a sports team
15. Give to charity
16. Get in the church bulletin
17. Develop an offline affiliate program
18. Become a news story
19. Host promotional product giveaways
20. Print up tee shirts
21. Pass out bumper stickers
22. Use the old stand by of word of mouth
23. Set up shop at fairs or festivals
24. Print up pamphlets
25. Send out text messages
26. Post ads on bulletin boards
27. Be a part of the Sunday paper
28. Team up with a local business
29. Create a phone book listing
30. Think outside the box
Social Networking Traffic Tactics
01. Go where the people are
02. Optimize for best results
03. Add friends carefully
04. Add content with care
05. Use multi-media
06. Be aware of your audience
07. State your purpose
08. Follow the rules
09. Keep it updated
10. Use photos
11. Try social media sharing sites
12. Customize
13. Watch for hackers!
14. Choose a reliable service
15. Understand the network
16. Take advantage of groups
17. Fill out your profile
18. Use all the features
19. Don't sell
20. Be professional but friendly
21. Go public
22. Visit others pages
23. Stay active
24. Add target content
25. Link your site
26. Choose a theme
27. Learn how the site works and how to use it
28. Don't be afraid to share
29. Be honest
30. Constantly reach out to others*
Video Marketing Traffic Tactics
01. Demonstrate how to use your products
02. Give a complete and accurate picture of what you are selling
03. Convey how important the customer is to you
04. Demonstrate the unique qualities of your product
05. Put testimonials in your video
06. Back up your printed information with the video
07. Use every aspect of video
08. Make it compelling
09. Think hard about how your video is presented
10. Reuse old video to make something new
11. Keep your video professional
12. Do not overwhelm the consumer
13. Tailor the video to your target market
14. Get creative
15. Place it wisely
16. Stick with one basic message
17. Do not forget to edit
18. Test your video
19. Give options to the consumer
20. Change your video on occasion
21. Choose the images and people in your video carefully
22. Get ideas from commercials
23. Try to keep costs low
24. Scope out other internet videos
25. Understand the power of video
26. Use emotion
27. Take full advantage of all the attention you get
28. Keep it simple
29. Don't over sell
30. Show, not tell
Maximum Advertising Tactics
01. Make up a good brochure
02. Use direct mail for a targeted campaign
03. Use an email campaign to its fullest potential
04. Place an ad in a target market magazine
05. Write articles
06. Place newspaper ads in local papers
07. Develop an online newsletter
08. Participate in online chats
09. Become a member of various message boards
10. Use email and message board signature lines
11. Place ads on bulletin boards
12. Create business cards
13. Try out a spot on the radio
14. Develop a telemarketing campaign
15. Run television ads
16. Participate in a link exchange
17. Put your contact number in the yellow pages
18. Use precise wording
19. Be honest
20. Install confidence
21. Be an expert
22. Use promotional items
23. Give away freebies
24. Hand out bumper stickers
25. Get your name out there
26. Be professional
27. Keep things simple
28. Avoid flash
29. Grab attention
30. Find a niche
Tactics on Building Yourself as a Niche Expert
01. Know the latest news
02. Stay up-to-date on changes
03. Don't publish junk information
04. Know how to present information
05. Do research on important topics
06. Provide your readers with information
07. Teach
08. Talk at your reader's level
09. Be open to new ideas
10. Expose misconceptions and myths
11. Let others talk about you
12. Showcase your credentials
13. Talk with readers
14. Get yourself published online and in print
15. Establish good relationships with other experts
16. Associate yourself with your topic
17. Write articles
18. Write for others
19. Always keep learning
20. Change what others think
21. Think quality over quantity
22. If you do not know then find out
23. Socialize with a wide range of people
24. Join clubs and groups
25. If you are wrong then admit it
26. Help others
27. Don't flaunt your knowledge
28. Back up what you say with facts
29. Develop your image
30. Be professional
Tactics on Converting Visitors into Customers
01. Keep it simple
02. Use targeted headlines
03. Get rid of distractions
04. Ask for the sale
05. Make it easy to buy
06. Make it secure for the visitor
07. Learn how to write copy
08. Don't sell too much
09. Use precise wording
10. Know your target market
11. Use links carefully
12. Grab attention
13. Check out top sites
14. Be unique
15. Give enough information
16. Link your pages together
17. Use a good sales model
18. Get help from the professionals
19. Make use of tools
20. Don't change what works
21. Use videos
22. Make your website interesting
23. Highlight what you are selling
24. Give them a reason to buy
25. Offer freebies
26. Have sales and offers
27. Show products
28. Use email lists
29. Be competitive
30. Avoid distractions
Traffic Monetizing Tactics
01. Sign up for Google Adsense
02. Sell Newsletter ad space
03. Join affiliate programs
04. Sell banner ad space on your home page
05. Sell advertising space on your message board pages
06. Sell links
07. Build a directory
08. Sell articles you have written or that you own
09. Do not let monetizing get out of hand
10. Double free gifts as promotional items
11. Create lead lists to sell
12. Build keyword lists
13. Put your blog to work
14. Team up with another business
15. Sell your newsletter
16. Sell your blog
17. Make a membership area
18. Buy up good keyword domain names and rent them out
19. Use tagging sites
20. Use in-text advertising
21. Add a search box
22. Build your own paid advertising programs
23. Sell your Ebooks
24. Sell your expertise
25. Set up a donation account
26. Add RSS feeds
27. Get a sponsor
28. Set up a seminar course
29. Write a blog for another company
30. Join a program where you can make brand merchandise
Cost-Per-Action Tactics
01. Understand the idea
02. Calculate the benefit
03. Track effectiveness
04. Be precise
05. Choose keywords wisely
06. Investigate the company
07. Make use of the tools included
08. Target your market
09. Understand the 24/7 market
10. Don't drop the ball on your end
11. Carry through and ask for the sale
12. Look for competitive pricing
13. Watch the competition
14. Use different formats
15. Promote one product
16. Use as many keywords as possible
17. Use call to action words
18. Edit as needed
19. Adjust bids often
20. Make sure campaigns are working
21. Have a clear goal
22. Do not create competing ads
23. Use unique URL's
24. Research well before using
25. Make it good content
26. Take notes from top ads
27. Grab attention
28. Test new ideas
29. Look at what others are doing outside your market
30. Give it time
Opt-in Form Placing Tactics
01. Make your link clear
02. Make your link prominent
03. Promote on your home page
04. Offer back subscriptions as samples
05. Put subscribe links in emails
06. Put link on sales and product pages
07. Maximize your opt-in page
08. Use testimonials
09. Install confidence
10. Make it valuable
11. Offer incentives
12. Be trustworthy
13. Let them know what they will get
14. Have a privacy policy
15. Explain opt-in process
16. Make the opt-in form easy to use
17. Keep everything simple
18. Ask for only what you need
19. Use email validation
20. Have a confirmation or other security check
21. Give format options
22. Give options to customize
23. Have a way for them to opt out
24. Have good content
25. Use good forms and tools
26. Keep good records
27. Don't misuse records and information
28. Be honest
29. Be genuine
30. Make friends with your subscribers
Squeeze Page Optimization Tactics
01. Use multiple squeeze pages
02. Target top keywords
03. Research and incorporate it into your page
04. Build customer confidence
05. Avoid being too flashy
06. Don't exaggerate
07. Make the customer feel secure and safe
08. Keep it simple
09. State the purpose
10. Offer an incentive
11. Follow through on what you say
12. Be honest
13. Have a strategy
14. Have a target market
15. Make your headline grab attention
16. Use sub headlines
17. Make copy the right length
18. Point out benefits
19. Point out your uniqueness
20. Give details
21. Explain how to they can use your offer
22. Use photos
23. Use video
24. Have a simple layout
25. No links
26. Make it easy to opt in
27. Give information about your business
28. Have a privacy policy
29. Generate interest
30. Understand the point
All the Webmasters will need the following tricks to get huge traffic for profit to their websites.
01. Article marketing
02. Forum marketing
03. Traffic exchanges
04. Free classifieds
05. Press releases
06. Resource box
07. Email
08. Google AdWords
09. Title tag
10. Submission to directories
11. HubPage and Squidoo
12. Link Exchange partnership
13. Joint ventures
14. Affiliate programming
15. Subscriber list
16. Tell-a-friend
17. Paid reviews
18. Re-visits
19. Error page
20. Promotion
21. Offers
22. Yahoo! answers
23. Customer support
24. Commenting
25. Screensaver
26. Keywords
27. eBay
28. Blog entries
29. Advertisement
30. Pay-Per-Lead*
01. Quantity of traffic
02. Quality of traffic
03. Non-targeted traffic
04. Targeted traffic
05. RSS
06. Email subscription
08. Opt in box
09. Free traffic
10. Patience is virtue
11. Videos
12. The right message
13. Solve
14. Target audience
15. Competitors
16. Innovative ads
17. Be regular
18. Variety
19. Digg styles are in
20. Niche marketing
21. Sign ups
22. Web Theme
23. Involve the subscribers and visitors
24. Postcards and business cards
25. Exchanges with other marketers can also help
26. You can give away free e-books to visitors
27. Signature
28. Communities
29. Testing
30. Web space
01. Keyword research
02. Uncluttered website
03. Neat web pages
04. Meta tags
05. Avoid repetition of keywords
06. Relevancy
07. Home page
08. Intranet
09. Avoid redirect pages
10. Analysis program
11. Take it easy
12. Control of error
13. Maintain a record
14. Improve your webpage rank
15. Upgradation
16. Complete web design
17. Be a skilled webmaster
18. Know what you want
19. Organic listings
20. Common words
21. Javascripts
22. CGI scripts
23. No broken links
24. Avoid frames
25. Dedicated server
26. Auto-surf traffic
27. Buying traffic or impressions
28. Tell-a- friend script
29. The importance of back links
30. Alexa banners
Affiliate Program Tactics
01. Select your target audience first
02. How to approach your target audience
03. Know what is hot and happening
04. Have a positive and realistic mindset
05. Have the right amount of information
06. Use the power of Google Adwords
07. Do your own writing
08. Have a matching affiliate program
09. Promote the in things
10. Get paid - without sales
11. Build a List
12. Targeted Traffic Driving
13. Position links well
14. Clutter free diversification
15. Don't try to fool your readers
16. Look for alternate revenue streams too
17. Use tools effectively
18. Don't Overdo It
19. Follow the results
20. Have your own website
21. Take part in forums and discussion boards
22. Start your own ezine or newsletter
23. Share a trustworthy relation with your readers
24. Use e-mails
25. Have a strong sales page
26. Don't straightaway send prospects to the merchant's page
27. Make people fill out your form
28. Speed of replying
29. Treat affiliates well
30. Exchange plugs with affiliate managers
Controversial Petition Traffic Tactics
01. Petition marketing is a viral marketing petition
02. ePetition
03. The advantage
04. E-petition is almost similar to a feed back form
05. The party
06. Scope for making a lot of money
07. Keyword rich petition content
08. Opt-in subscribers
13. Petition portals
14. Petition script
15. Petition forum
16. Petition Hosting Providers
17. Affiliate program
18. Mailing list managers
19. Sponsored ads
20. Featured petitions
21. Premium services
22. Donations
23. Legal notice
24. Promise privacy
25. Tell a friend tab
26. Petition topics
27. Well written petitions
28. The extra effect
29. Mention your details
30. Positive petitions
Mailing List Advertising Tactics
01. The articles that you send must be highly informative
02. Make your emails simple and user friendly
03. Keep your customers updated
04. Get to the point and quick
05. Experiment, reach out and try different things
06. Work on your current customers to find new business opportunities
07. Make the best use of your sales data base
08. Your employees could be the source to get new clients
09. Lists contained in your server are also a great help
10. Request from your websites
11. E-news letter subscription
12. Try joining various groups and networks
13. Try and figure out your target sale group
14. Online discussion group
15. Get the attention of the media
16. Networking
17. Be careful abut the purchase of mailing list
18. Look at the economic benefits
19. Have the right size of squeeze page
20. Have no outgoing links
21. Use bullets
22. Keep your marketing list up to date
23. Have valid permission
24. Profile your marketing lists
25. Make sure that your mails are not taken as spam
26. Have crisp content
27. Send a reasonable sized email
28. Return receipts
29. Use spell check
30. Test your mails
Paid Web Space Advertising Tactics
01. Revenue models
02. CPM ad
03. Unique impression
04. CPC
05. Risk factor
06. Ad performance
07. CPA
08. Cost per lead
09. Cost per sale
10. Best ad
11. Regular checking of ads
12. Check the ads YOURSELF
13. Ad content
14. Effective advertising
15. Advertising deals
16. Communicative ads
17. Role of Google
18. Expanded matching
19. Increased click
20. Blogging
21. Text link advertising
22. Paid syndication
23. Feed based advertising
24. Banner advertisements
25. PPC
26. News letter advertising
27. Pick up the right sites
28. Attract with banners
29. Correct placement
30. Participate Contest
Pay-Per-Click Tactics
01. Have keywords on the display URL
02. Keep the keywords separated
03. Keep an eye on your position
04. Try out different advertising styles
05. Have the key words on the landing page
06. Avoid landing the potential customers on the home page
07. Have a plan
08. Use a software that can manage your bids
09. Bid sensibly
10. Choose keywords that are less bid for
11. Bid on targeted keywords rather than general ones
12. Bid on the lesser known PPC
13. Create separate ads
14. Get listed in specialty pay per click
15. Write crisp ads
16. Being ranked number is not all that important
17. Try to have an exact match
18. Phrase match
19. Broad match
20. Negative match
21. Contextual targeting
22. Geo-targeting
23. Day parting
24. Keyword research tool
25. Multiple ads
26. Avoid joining the crowd
27. Check the cost and revenue ratio
28. Try other PPC search engines
29. Try to get ranked in the top 3 positions
30. Make your landing page buyer friendly
Peer-to-Peer Network Tactics
01. Business growth
02. Corporate network
03. P2P format
04. P2P is legal
05. Attitude of the users
06. Domain controller
07. Logging in
08. Know what you are sharing
09. Protect your personal information
10. Safe download
11. The right source
12. Latest anti-virus software
13. Security tools
14. No unlawful activities
15. Spywares
16. File sharing programs
17. Be alert
18. Avoid giving personal information
19. Protect your PC
20. Identifying of P2P users
21. Port based analysis
22. Port matching
23. Protocol analysis
24. P2P application solutions
25. Signature based authentication
26. Application level
27. Naming the file
28. Traffic information
29. Recommended P2P networks
30. Gnutella
Tactics on Using Auction Sites and Tell-a-Friends to Drive Traffic
01. The huge size of the market
02. eBay can generate customers and sellers
03. Geographic distance
04. Time limits do not apply
05. Buyers are ecstatic
06. eBay auction is not capital intensive
07. Benefits of online auction
08. Auction ID
09. About me
10. Follow the rules
11. Make allies
12. Advertisements
13. Traffic
14. Keywords optimization
15. Cross promotion
16. Attractive catch phrases
17. Interactive forums
19. Bidd.buds
20. Articles
21. Reports
22. Tell a Friend Script
23. Attachment forwarding
24. The strategy of Tell a friend script
25. Recurring forwards
26. Spreading the word
27. No major skills required
28. Just a click
29. It's affordable!
30. Steady results
01. Avail the advantages of Article marketing campaigns
02. Overcoming setbacks
03. Focus on the writing style
04. Quality
05. Frequency
06. Wide genre
07. Hiring ghostwriters
08. Write for popular websites
09. Specialized directories
10. How to use leading search engines
11. Success through search engines
12. How to improve
13. Keyword usage
14. Regular submission
15. Display your picture along side your article
16. How to register in such sites
17. Use multiple identities effectively
18. Use blogs for auto-syndication of articles
19. RSS feeds
20. Exclusive articles
21. Terms for exclusivity
22. Podcasting
23. Power of Podcasting
24. Using Squidoo
25. Quality matters
26. Affiliates
27. Networking
28. Sharing Information
29. Comment
30. Act
Blog for Traffic Tactics
01. Use the right software
02. Blog hosting
03. Title tag
04. Article marketing
05. Tagging
06. Technorati
07. Boosting blog's visibility
08. WTF at Technorati
09. Rate and ranks
10. Blog commenting
11. Choose your blog topics
12. Intelligent linking
13. Invite contributors
14. Interaction
15. Provide answers!
16. Tracking visitors
17. Charisma
18. Proper archives
19. Blog URL
20. Sharing information
21. Don't go overboard
22. Link bait
23. Writing style
24. Branding tool
25. Blog submission
26. Yahoo feed
27. Google Adwords
28. Blog name
29. Frequency of blog posts
30. Signatures
Search Engine Traffic Tactics
01. Domain age
02. Regular upgrade
03. Write for your visitors
04. Press releases
05. Flash
06. Meta tags
07. Heading tag
08. Site map
09. Keywords
10. External links
11. Business address
12. Article distribution
13. Images
14. Multiple domains
15. Link exchange
16. Link titles
17. Anchoring text
18. Keyword research
19. New PPC account
20. Keyword stuffing
21. Invisible content
22. Heading tags
23. Link farms
24. Scope for improvement
25. Be patient
26. Set goals
27. Make the best site
28. SEO friendly URL
29. Consider blogging
30. Use tools
Social Media Site Optimization Traffic Tactics
01. SMO
02. Nickname
03. Build your name
04. Be organized
05. Cross bookmarking
06. Social relationship
07. Research
08. Trust and relationship
09. Link bait
10. Posting links
11. Natural links
12. Interesting content
13. Know your customers
14. Arouse interest
15. Don't be panicky
16. Have patience
17. Proper reply
18. Crisp responses
19. Yahoo answers
20. Videos
21. Using pictures
22. StumbleUpon
23. Digg
25. Listible
26. Technorati
27. Get into groups
28. Traveling content
29. Inbound links
30. Upload your videos
Tactics to Maintain Web Traffic Flow
01. Link exchange
02. Make use of proper keywords and also proper key phrases
03. Submit articles that are interesting to read
04. Offer a news letter on your website
05. Advertise well
06. Share your opinion by joining forums and creating online communities
07. Exchange links
08. Traffic exchange
09. Make a newsletter
10. Understand the working of search engines
11. Pay per click program
12. Inbound links
13. Email marketing
14. Blogs and RSS feed
15. Try the social media and book marking web sites
16. You can try other offline sources
17. Organize your website well
18. Stick to your central theme
19. Other benefits of sticking to a central theme
20. Provide user friendly information
21. Get a keyword research done
22. Create a simple and elegant design
23. On-site optimization
24. Create a title
25. Post new content
26. Remain active on the Internet
27. Link
28. Ezine advertising
29. Distributing free report
30. Submit your website to social book marking sites
Offline Traffic Tactics
01. Guest star on a radio talk show
02. Get yourself on television
03. Be a guest speaker
04. Make yourself into an expert
05. Advertise in a local magazine
06. Get in a newsletter
07. Put up a billboard
08. Place newspaper ads
09. Hand out flyers
10. Use direct mailings
11. Start up a telemarketing campaign
12. Print up business cards
13. Sponsor a contest
14. Sponsor a sports team
15. Give to charity
16. Get in the church bulletin
17. Develop an offline affiliate program
18. Become a news story
19. Host promotional product giveaways
20. Print up tee shirts
21. Pass out bumper stickers
22. Use the old stand by of word of mouth
23. Set up shop at fairs or festivals
24. Print up pamphlets
25. Send out text messages
26. Post ads on bulletin boards
27. Be a part of the Sunday paper
28. Team up with a local business
29. Create a phone book listing
30. Think outside the box
Social Networking Traffic Tactics
01. Go where the people are
02. Optimize for best results
03. Add friends carefully
04. Add content with care
05. Use multi-media
06. Be aware of your audience
07. State your purpose
08. Follow the rules
09. Keep it updated
10. Use photos
11. Try social media sharing sites
12. Customize
13. Watch for hackers!
14. Choose a reliable service
15. Understand the network
16. Take advantage of groups
17. Fill out your profile
18. Use all the features
19. Don't sell
20. Be professional but friendly
21. Go public
22. Visit others pages
23. Stay active
24. Add target content
25. Link your site
26. Choose a theme
27. Learn how the site works and how to use it
28. Don't be afraid to share
29. Be honest
30. Constantly reach out to others*
Video Marketing Traffic Tactics
01. Demonstrate how to use your products
02. Give a complete and accurate picture of what you are selling
03. Convey how important the customer is to you
04. Demonstrate the unique qualities of your product
05. Put testimonials in your video
06. Back up your printed information with the video
07. Use every aspect of video
08. Make it compelling
09. Think hard about how your video is presented
10. Reuse old video to make something new
11. Keep your video professional
12. Do not overwhelm the consumer
13. Tailor the video to your target market
14. Get creative
15. Place it wisely
16. Stick with one basic message
17. Do not forget to edit
18. Test your video
19. Give options to the consumer
20. Change your video on occasion
21. Choose the images and people in your video carefully
22. Get ideas from commercials
23. Try to keep costs low
24. Scope out other internet videos
25. Understand the power of video
26. Use emotion
27. Take full advantage of all the attention you get
28. Keep it simple
29. Don't over sell
30. Show, not tell
Maximum Advertising Tactics
01. Make up a good brochure
02. Use direct mail for a targeted campaign
03. Use an email campaign to its fullest potential
04. Place an ad in a target market magazine
05. Write articles
06. Place newspaper ads in local papers
07. Develop an online newsletter
08. Participate in online chats
09. Become a member of various message boards
10. Use email and message board signature lines
11. Place ads on bulletin boards
12. Create business cards
13. Try out a spot on the radio
14. Develop a telemarketing campaign
15. Run television ads
16. Participate in a link exchange
17. Put your contact number in the yellow pages
18. Use precise wording
19. Be honest
20. Install confidence
21. Be an expert
22. Use promotional items
23. Give away freebies
24. Hand out bumper stickers
25. Get your name out there
26. Be professional
27. Keep things simple
28. Avoid flash
29. Grab attention
30. Find a niche
Tactics on Building Yourself as a Niche Expert
01. Know the latest news
02. Stay up-to-date on changes
03. Don't publish junk information
04. Know how to present information
05. Do research on important topics
06. Provide your readers with information
07. Teach
08. Talk at your reader's level
09. Be open to new ideas
10. Expose misconceptions and myths
11. Let others talk about you
12. Showcase your credentials
13. Talk with readers
14. Get yourself published online and in print
15. Establish good relationships with other experts
16. Associate yourself with your topic
17. Write articles
18. Write for others
19. Always keep learning
20. Change what others think
21. Think quality over quantity
22. If you do not know then find out
23. Socialize with a wide range of people
24. Join clubs and groups
25. If you are wrong then admit it
26. Help others
27. Don't flaunt your knowledge
28. Back up what you say with facts
29. Develop your image
30. Be professional
Tactics on Converting Visitors into Customers
01. Keep it simple
02. Use targeted headlines
03. Get rid of distractions
04. Ask for the sale
05. Make it easy to buy
06. Make it secure for the visitor
07. Learn how to write copy
08. Don't sell too much
09. Use precise wording
10. Know your target market
11. Use links carefully
12. Grab attention
13. Check out top sites
14. Be unique
15. Give enough information
16. Link your pages together
17. Use a good sales model
18. Get help from the professionals
19. Make use of tools
20. Don't change what works
21. Use videos
22. Make your website interesting
23. Highlight what you are selling
24. Give them a reason to buy
25. Offer freebies
26. Have sales and offers
27. Show products
28. Use email lists
29. Be competitive
30. Avoid distractions
Traffic Monetizing Tactics
01. Sign up for Google Adsense
02. Sell Newsletter ad space
03. Join affiliate programs
04. Sell banner ad space on your home page
05. Sell advertising space on your message board pages
06. Sell links
07. Build a directory
08. Sell articles you have written or that you own
09. Do not let monetizing get out of hand
10. Double free gifts as promotional items
11. Create lead lists to sell
12. Build keyword lists
13. Put your blog to work
14. Team up with another business
15. Sell your newsletter
16. Sell your blog
17. Make a membership area
18. Buy up good keyword domain names and rent them out
19. Use tagging sites
20. Use in-text advertising
21. Add a search box
22. Build your own paid advertising programs
23. Sell your Ebooks
24. Sell your expertise
25. Set up a donation account
26. Add RSS feeds
27. Get a sponsor
28. Set up a seminar course
29. Write a blog for another company
30. Join a program where you can make brand merchandise
Cost-Per-Action Tactics
01. Understand the idea
02. Calculate the benefit
03. Track effectiveness
04. Be precise
05. Choose keywords wisely
06. Investigate the company
07. Make use of the tools included
08. Target your market
09. Understand the 24/7 market
10. Don't drop the ball on your end
11. Carry through and ask for the sale
12. Look for competitive pricing
13. Watch the competition
14. Use different formats
15. Promote one product
16. Use as many keywords as possible
17. Use call to action words
18. Edit as needed
19. Adjust bids often
20. Make sure campaigns are working
21. Have a clear goal
22. Do not create competing ads
23. Use unique URL's
24. Research well before using
25. Make it good content
26. Take notes from top ads
27. Grab attention
28. Test new ideas
29. Look at what others are doing outside your market
30. Give it time
Opt-in Form Placing Tactics
01. Make your link clear
02. Make your link prominent
03. Promote on your home page
04. Offer back subscriptions as samples
05. Put subscribe links in emails
06. Put link on sales and product pages
07. Maximize your opt-in page
08. Use testimonials
09. Install confidence
10. Make it valuable
11. Offer incentives
12. Be trustworthy
13. Let them know what they will get
14. Have a privacy policy
15. Explain opt-in process
16. Make the opt-in form easy to use
17. Keep everything simple
18. Ask for only what you need
19. Use email validation
20. Have a confirmation or other security check
21. Give format options
22. Give options to customize
23. Have a way for them to opt out
24. Have good content
25. Use good forms and tools
26. Keep good records
27. Don't misuse records and information
28. Be honest
29. Be genuine
30. Make friends with your subscribers
Squeeze Page Optimization Tactics
01. Use multiple squeeze pages
02. Target top keywords
03. Research and incorporate it into your page
04. Build customer confidence
05. Avoid being too flashy
06. Don't exaggerate
07. Make the customer feel secure and safe
08. Keep it simple
09. State the purpose
10. Offer an incentive
11. Follow through on what you say
12. Be honest
13. Have a strategy
14. Have a target market
15. Make your headline grab attention
16. Use sub headlines
17. Make copy the right length
18. Point out benefits
19. Point out your uniqueness
20. Give details
21. Explain how to they can use your offer
22. Use photos
23. Use video
24. Have a simple layout
25. No links
26. Make it easy to opt in
27. Give information about your business
28. Have a privacy policy
29. Generate interest
30. Understand the point
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