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Etisalat BlackBerry Enhanced-TechnoCare
Enhanced BlackBerry Handsets after Sales Support |
As part of the efforts to enhance Etisalat’s customers experience when it comes to after sales support process for Etisalat Blackberry devices, we are announcing the appointment of a new support partner Technocare who would be replacing i2 with effect from 15th February, 2009.
Technocare is a leading provider of after-sales-services for mobile phones in UAE and the Middle East region.
The new process supports three different scenarios to guarantee enhanced customer experience and higher level of satisfaction:
Scenario 1: Etisalat Customers Purchasing devices from any of our Key Retailers
Scenario 2: Etisalat Customers Purchasing devices from any of Etisalat Business Centers and Outlets (whether over the counter or delivered to his location)
Scenario 3: Business customers who have a BES (BlackBerry Enterprise server for Microsoft Exchange and Lotus notes) server from Etisalat.
Description of the New Etisalat BlackBerry Device support process
1. Customers who have purchased an Etisalat BlackBerry smartphone in any of the three scenarios and faced any fault in the device will have to call 101 or 800 9111 (for Enterprise Customers only) to register a complaint and get a fault ticket.
No servicing will be provided for Etisalat BlackBerry devices unless the customer has a fault ticket from 101 or 800 9111 (for Enterprise Customers only)
2. Etisalat 101 or 800 9111 Highly trained and dedicated BlackBerry support team will make sure that the problem is not a configuration problem or a service problem and for software problems may also attempt to solve them over the phone, (for BES customers only the IT administrator can call to raise a fault).
3. Once the problem is identified as a hardware problem the BlackBerry support team and based on where the customer has purchased the device will guide him to one of the scenarios mentioned below :
For drop off points for scenario 2 please visit product net for details
After the devices have been collected by Technocare it would take 4 working
days(not including the drop off/collection day) to repair and return back the
device. For software issues related to the device the issue would be resolved at
the service center immediately and device returned to the customer.
For Business Customers, if the device is under warranty and has a hardware
issue, it would be replaced immediately on site. For faster response Business
customers can also drop off the device at the Technocare outlets
For other scenarios, the customer would have to pick up the device from the
location the device was submitted for repair after receiving a notification for
For all scenarios if the device is Out of Warranty and is
within 24 months from date of purchase, then for any hardware issues the
customer would be given an option to get an equivalent Brand new Blackberry
device for a payment of AED 800/-
Once the devices have been collected by the customer, 101 or 8009111 will call
back the customer to confirm the receipt of the device in working condition and
would collect their feedback on the support provided and hence close the fault
Warranty Policy for BlackBerry Smartphones
• Warranty period for the device is 12 months
• Warranty period for the battery is 90 days
• Warranty period of all other items in the box are 7 days (earphones, etc.)
For more details visit product net.