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Friday, 30 October 2009
3Gs iphones
Dubai Emiratos Árabes Unidos: 29 de octubre 2009
Ser el primer operador en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos para lanzar el iPhone 3G, Etisalat anunció hoy el lanzamiento de 3GS el iPhone, el más rápido, el iPhone más poderoso todavía. Para los clientes que quieren disfrutar del nuevo iPhone 3GS icónico con ardiente servicio de banda ancha inalámbrica rápida, ahora puede hacerlo con la red 3G de Etisalat, ya que inicia las ventas para el dispositivo a partir del 27 de octubre.
Etisalat avanzada red de 3G permitirá a sus clientes a disfrutar de la actuación esperada máxima del dispositivo de iPhone 3G en todo el país.
Etisalat los clientes pueden comprar el iPhone independiente 3GS dispositivos, 16GB para AED 2399 y 32 GB para AED 2799.
Además, el iPhone 3G actuales pospago y paquetes de prepago están todavía disponibles para el iPhone 3G - 8 GB y 16 GB, además de los modelos más salir de los paquetes de iPhone 3G en breve.
New Gneration 3Gs iPhones- Enjoy it?
Dubai-UAE:29th Oct 2009
Being the first operator in the UAE to launch the iPhone 3G, Etisalat today announced the launch of iPhone 3GS, the fastest, most powerful iPhone yet. For customers who want to enjoy the new iconic iPhone 3GS with blazing-fast wireless broadband service, can now do so with Etisalat’s 3G network, as it kicks off sales for the device from 27 October onwards.
Etisalat’s advanced 3G network will enable its customers to enjoy the maximum expected performance of iPhone 3GS device anywhere in the country.
Etisalat customers can purchase standalone iPhone 3GS devices, 16GB for AED 2399 and 32GB for AED 2799.
Moreover, current iPhone 3G post paid & prepaid packages are still available for iPhone 3G - 8GB & 16GB models in addition to more exiting iPhone 3GS packages coming soon.
Monday, 26 October 2009
International Talent Conference
This is the second time the conference will take place in the UAE, and this year will host a series of talks addressing the overlying theme of ‘Managing Talent in Turbulent Times’. It will focus on identifying talented individuals, helping HR professionals make the right choice when hiring candidates and assisting leaders to manage talent in order to achieve their organisation’s goals.
His Excellency Sultan Bin Saeed Al Mansoori, UAE Minister of Economy, will present the introductory speech, highlighting the importance of talent management in today’s fast paced environment.
Commenting on the conference, David Brennan, General Manager, Etisalat Academy, said: “Identifying talent, making the right hire choice and managing talent are some of the most challenging parts of business. Whether in government or the private sector, having the right people are everything. It is truly the difference between success and failure. Managers need to spend time on the key aspect of business - identifying talent, hiring the right people and making sure they are inspired and well-managed”.
In its second edition, the conference will discuss many important topics including the latest methods for developing organisational talent even within the current, difficult economic environment. The conference will host panels of specialised speakers from around the world who will share their experiences and case studies of international best practise with the delegates.
Mariam Mohammed, Director of the 2nd International Talent Conference, and the Director of ITC 2009, said: “I would like to take this opportunity to invite human resources professionals and business leaders from all over the region to participate in this important event. This is the second time we are running the conference in the UAE, and based on the success of last year and the importance and wealth of content that will be provided, we are expecting more than 800 delegates from public and private sectors to benefit from this exceptional opportunity.”
The conference will host international expert Larry Hochman, who will highlight alternatives to redundancies to help with expenditure rationalisation, as reducing staff can negatively affect performance levels and productivity.
ITC 2009 will also host Thomas Anger who will speak about managing talent in turbulent times; and Arnold Smit will conduct a presentation about the different calibre of talent required for tomorrow’s kind of company.
The second day will include six workshops conducted by selected consultants from SHL International, Tag International, The British Consulting Company, and the British Academy for Developing Human Resources. These specialists include Claire Little, Samia Khan, Judith Leary Joyce, and Dr. Sami Tawakul. The workshops will discuss making talent leadership sustainable; recruitment, retention, and motivation, the key factors for surviving in turbulent times; the psychology of success; HR Excellence; and inspirational talent leadership.
The Second International Talent Conference 2009 is supported by the UAE Ministry of Interior; the UAE Ministry of Economy; Abu Dhabi Police; SHL International; and Stellenbosch University and the HR Department at Etisalat.
For further information please visit
International Voice for Etisalat Customers
Etisalat, the leading telecommunications carrier and Internet Service Provider in UAE, attained a new benchmark in mobile value added services, by launching International Voice SMS for its UAE subscribers today. With this launch, Etisalat UAE subscribers would be able to send International Voice SMS to Etisalat Egypt. This facility will be extended to over 26 countries shortly.
International Voice SMS would enable Etisalat subscribers to communicate with over a billion customers across the globe. Sending messages internationally is just as easy as sending a message across town. An Etisalat subscriber can dial * followed by the mobile number including the country code; record a voice message after hearing the tone and disconnect. The recipient is able to retrieve the Voice SMS and reply to it seamlessly. Etisalat subscribers pay a price of 99 fils for sending an International Voice SMS " 30 sec. per message "
Sunday, 25 October 2009
eZmeet with Microsoft & Etisalat
اتصالات تعرض حل eZMeet للدخول إلى الشبكة العالمية بالتعاون السوق
eZMeet سوف تقدم تجربة متكاملة بالتعاون والدعم لقطات فيديو حية وغنية وسائل
دبي ، 21 أكتوبر 2009 : أعلنت اتصالات اليوم عن خطط لتقديم خدمة الإنترنت التعاون
-- "eZMeet" ، في شراكة مع مايكروسوفت الشريك / مما يجعل من السهل بالنسبة للمنظمات
من جميع الأحجام لتجربة فوائد التعاون من خلال الانترنت لإدارة الخدمات النموذجية ،
سواء كان ذلك الإعلان بسيطة مخصصة الدورات بالتعاون ، ويب الرسمي القائم الاجتماعات
والتدريب المتقدم عبر الإنترنت أو الاتصال الأحداث الكبيرة.
eZMeet هو خدمة استضافة ويب التعاون التي تربط ويشرك الجمهور في الاجتماعات عبر
الإنترنت ، والتدريب ، والأحداث من خلال موثوق بها ، من فئة المؤسسات ، استضافت
الخدمة. مع الحاضرين الجلسة المشتركة من أجهزة الكمبيوتر الخاصة بهم ، والهواتف (الثابتة
والمحمولة) يمكن للمستخدمين تقديم عرض لمسرحية ، ينطلق هذا المشروع ، الأفكار أو
تحرير الملفات ، وتتعاون في ألواح الكتابة والتفاوض على صفقات.
وفقا لعبد الله هاشم ، نائب الرئيس الأب ، لحلول الأعمال ، اتصالات ، "التواصل مع
قاعدة متنوعة من الزبائن تعاون الموظف ، مع فرق ظاهري في رفع أهمية التعاون على
شبكة الإنترنت ، ونحن نرى أن التحول إلى أداة لتعميم التواصل والتعاون في المؤسسة.
وأضاف ، "بناء على متطلبات العميل وتوقعات الطلب في السوق ، فإننا نعتقد بأن خدمة
من هذا النوع سوف تصبح شعبية جدا مع عملائنا في كافة أنحاء المؤسسة ، بل وحتى
الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الفضاء. خدمة eZMeet حقا سوف يلقى المعلقة بالتعاون
تجربة لعملائنا وسوف يزيل العبء كله على إدارة والحفاظ على مستويات الخدمة لموظفيها
مع الاستفادة من الخدمات المدارة نموذج من اتصالات. "
تعليقا على الخدمة الجديدة ، فاطمة محسن ، مدير أول ، واتصالات لتسويق المنتجات
وقال "eZMeet مثالا هاما للمزيد من تمكين العاملين في مجال المعلومات وجعلها اكثر
انتاجية وفاعلية. ويمكن أن قدرات جديدة مثيرة للeZMeet يمكن استخدامها عبر اجتماعات
مخصصة التعاونية ، والمناسبات والتسويق ، والمبيعات المظاهرات ، ودورات تدريبية ،
وأكثر من ذلك. هو عنصر أساسي لدينا رؤية والاتصالات المتكاملة التي تساعد الناس
والمنظمات غنية التواصل والعمل معا على نحو أكثر فعالية. "
eZMeet تساعد المؤسسات على نحو أفضل مع موظفي الاتصال داخليا وخارجيا مع العملاء
والشركاء من خلال ميزات مثل :
• واجهة مستخدم مبسطة تساعد المشاركين في المؤتمرات لا تزال تركز على المضمون
• تدريب وملامح الحدث العروض التي تعطي القدرة على تقديم الصدقات ، والطبقة العامة
والقوائم الحدث ، واختبار متطورة والتدريج
• عالية الجودة المشتركة وقدرات تسجيل المنظمات المحلية التي تعطي القوة لأرشفة
جلسة eZMeet للتشغيل
كما تدعم هذه الخدمة قنوات اتصال متعددة لتوفر تجربة إشراك :
• اتجاهين الهاتف يتيح للمشاركين اختيار مؤتمر لدمج الصوت
• المضمنة فلاش ، وملفات الصوت والفيديو مساعدة في تقديم العروض المحتوى الغني
للمشاركين في المؤتمرات
• لايف كام والفيديو والتحكم في بدء عقد المؤتمرات الصوتية
eZmeet from Etisalat with Microsoft Partner
eZMeet will offer integrated collaboration experience, support for live video and rich media
Dubai, October 21, 2009: Etisalat today announced plans to introduce a web collaboration service – “eZMeet”, in partnership with Microsoft/partner thereby making it easier for organizations of all sizes to experience the benefits of Web collaboration through a managed services model, be it simple ad-hoc collaboration sessions, formal Web-based meetings, advanced online training or large communication events.
eZMeet is a hosted Web collaboration service that connects and engages audiences in online meetings, training, and events through a reliable, enterprise-class hosted service. With meeting attendees participating from their PCs, phones (fixed and mobiles) users can deliver a presentation, kick off a project, brainstorm ideas, edit files, collaborate on whiteboards and negotiate deals.
According to Abdulla Hashim, Sr. VP, Business Solutions, Etisalat, “Communicating with a diverse customer base, employee collaboration with virtual teams are raising the importance of web collaboration and we see it becoming a mainstream tool for communication and collaboration in the enterprise.”
He added, “Based on customer insights and market demand forecasts, we believe a service of this kind will become very popular with our customers across the enterprise and even the SMB space. The eZMeet service will truly deliver an outstanding collaboration experience to our customers and will remove the entire burden of managing and maintaining service levels for their staff with the advantage of a Managed service model from Etisalat.”
Commenting on the new service, Fatima Mohsin, Senior Director, Etisalat Product Marketing said, “eZMeet is an important example of further empowering information workers and making them more productive and effective. The exciting new capabilities of eZMeet can be used across ad hoc collaborative meetings, marketing events, sales demonstrations, training sessions and more. It is a key element of our integrated communications vision that helps people and organizations richly communicate and work together more effectively.”
eZMeet helps organizations better connect internally with employees and externally with customers and partners through features like:
•A simplified user interface that helps conferencing participants remain focused on core content
•Training and event features that give presenters the ability to offer handouts, public class and event listings, and advanced testing and grading
•High-fidelity shared and local recording capabilities that give organizations the power to archive an eZMeet session for playback
The service also supports multiple communication channels to provide an engaging experience:
•Two-way phone offers participants a choice for integrating conference audio
•Embedded flash, video and audio files help presenters deliver rich content to conferencing participants
•Live webcam video and initiation and control of audio conferencing.
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Etisalat Reduced Global Call Rates
Etisalat offers best discounts on International calls
Includes Favorite Country Plan and Super off-peak customers
Super Off-Peak time now extended from 11pm-7am
Abu Dhabi, 20 October 2009: Etisalat today announced the activation of its new pricing maximum that provides greater value and transparency to its customers.
As a part of this revamp, Etisalat Super off-peak fixed and mobile customers will now enjoy an increased discount of 60% on international calls during the Super off-peak hours. To provide more value to its customers, Etisalat has also extended the Super Off-peak hours. The Super Off-Peak timing,which was 1am-7am, have been extended to 11pm-7am and is now in effect. The additional two hours will provide a dual benefit to the customers by providing more time to connect with their friends and families while enjoying the additional discounts offered.
Besides Super off-peak discounts, customers can also enjoy higher discounts during off-peak hours. Discounts for fixed line customers have been increased to 45%, post-paid customers to 40% and Wasel customers to 35%.
(2pm – 4pm)
(9pm – 7am) Super Off-Peak
(11pm – 7am) Wasel
Off Peak
(2pm – 4pm)
(9pm – 11pm) Postpaid
Off Peak
(2pm – 4pm)
(9pm – 11pm) Fixed Off Peak
(2pm – 4pm)
(9pm – 11pm)
India/ Pak/Iran 1.89 0.76 1.23 1.13 1.04
Philippines /USA 1.37 0.55 0.89 0.82 0.75
B'desh 1.89 0.76 1.24 1.13 1.04
UK 1.91 0.76 1.24 1.15 1.05
Additionally, Etisalat’s Favourite Country Plan customers can also enjoy discounts of 40% on fixed line, 35% on post-paid and 30% for Wasel on their International Calls for the selected country. Customers who call during off-peak hours benefit extra from this discount which is in addition to the off-peak discounts.
WASEL / POSTPAID / FIXED Wasel Postpaid Fixed
Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
Oman 2.12 1.00 1.48 0.70 1.38 0.65 1.27 0.60
USA/Philippines 2.12 1.37 1.48 0.96 1.38 0.89 1.27 0.82
UK 2.69 1.91 1.88 1.34 1.75 1.24 1.61 1.15
India / Pak/Iran 2.40 1.89 1.68 1.32 1.56 1.23 1.44 1.13
*Off- peak rates are applicable from 2pm – 4pm) & (9pm – 7am), every Friday and on national holidays
Customers can choose to subscribe to Super Off-Peak Plan or Favourite Country Plan for no monthly fee by:
• Calling 125 and following the instructions
• Visiting their nearest Etisalat Business Center
• Calling Customer Care at 101
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Etisalat BlackBerry Reviews-by Marouf Hossain
-Review by: Marouf Hossain
Etisalat has launched BlackBerry in 2007 and the phone has kept people on the go with their works and emails on the go.
1.THE BLACKBERRY CURVE 8900:The Black Berry Is
A Powerful Device That Can Handle Any Type Of
File.Some Of The Features Are:
Wi-Fi® SupporT
Built-in GPS
Enhanced Media Player
Video Recording
BlackBerry® Maps
Wireless Email
Corporate Data Access
.Camera 3.2 megapixel.
"We would absolutely recommend the BlackBerry Curve 8900."
Bonnie Cha, CNET
"A satisfying combination of high-end features, ideal size and good looks."
Katherine Boehret, Wall Street Journal
"Killer Wi-Fi support."
Maren Jinnett, Wired
"The 3.2-megapixel camera takes admirably sharp photos, even in low light."
Sascha Segan, PC Magazine
"Perhaps one of the best smartphones on the market."
Philip Berne, InfoSync
"The screen is delicious."
Matt Buchanan,
"The audio quality over the jack is among the best we’ve ever heard from a phone."
Chris Ziegler, engadget
"Of course, you get the terrific corporate and Internet e-mail features RIM is known for."
Yardena Arar, PC World
Ps Note: More Reviews of iphone and many more by Marouf is coming up next. Keep tuned.